4.9 uit 3000+ reviews
4.9 uit 3000+ reviews -Onefit/Classpass
Hulp nodig? +3120 261 0275 of info@freezlab.nl
Ontdek onze innovatieve therapieën voor herstel, energie en welzijn. Probeer onze sessies en boost je immuunsysteem – Probeer nu ons proefabonnement en voel het verschil!
As parent/guardian of the minor, I hereby give my permission for said individual to participate in a freezing session at Freezlab Amsterdam. As parent/guardian, I am aware of the contra indications that apply to the freez sessions. These contra indications can be found in the reservation system, on the website https://www.freezlab.nl and can be requested at Freezlab Amsterdam. I have read these contra indications and confirm that the minor does not have any of the applicable contra indications.